Richard Spurr 1am - 4am
3 April 2018, 10:26 | Updated: 6 April 2018, 11:14
Darren Adam criticised the unacceptable day-to-day struggles faced by many disabled people in public places, after hearing of disabled caller's experiences
Darren had previously heard from caller, Neil, who discussed some of his own negative experiences as a disabled person in public places.
The caller spoke of being told to "hurry along" and outlined issues of inaccessibility, such as lack of available taxi services and disabled toilets in his town.
He spoke of how these experiences were putting him off leaving the house at all out of fear of being embarrassed in public.
Darren Adam commented that it is easy for someone able-bodied, such as himself to say he wouldn't stand for such treatment.
"It's easy to sit here and say I wouldn't take it."
But admitted it is difficult to put yourself in the position of someone with a disability.
"It's much more difficult to imagine yourself into the position that our caller has been in."
The discussion also followed the news that a 54-year old Parkinson's sufferer, was told to leave a bus by impatient bus driver who complained about how long he was taking to get his pass out from his coat.
Sean Doyle, from Folkestone, had told the bus driver of his Parkinson's, yet he was told to leave the bus in the pouring rain as the driver complained about already being late.