Women Throw Bin Lids And Mugs Of Tea At Each Other In Bizarre Street Brawl

31 May 2018, 13:25

An astonishing street brawl between two women escalated when the pair started throwing bin lids and mugs of tea at each other.

The remarkable fight was caught on camera as it broke out on a doorstep in Sheldon, County Durham on Sunday afternoon.

The ruck kicked off when a one of the women started to shout at the other who in turn mockingly twerked in front of her.

The brawl unfolded on the doorstep of a house in County Durham
The brawl unfolded on the doorstep of a house in County Durham. Picture: News Dog Media

In response, the first woman, known locally as “Black Juicy”, called the other, Lizzie, an “utter slut” before picking up a mug of tea and throwing it at her head.

This intensified the row as the pair began to swing punches at each other while piling into a garden bush.

At one point, “Black Juicy” gets shoved from behind and falls over a wall as she tells a by-stander: “I’m sick of you”.

The clip has been viewed more than one-million times on social media
The clip has been viewed more than one-million times on social media. Picture: News Dog Media

The video ends when Lizzie picks up a bin lid and flings it at her opponent.

She then shouts: “F*** off, don’t call me a slut!”

John Canty, who recorded the incident, said Black Juicy was arrested but eventually released with no further action.

The clip has been viewed more than 1.5 million times after it was uploaded to social media yesterday.

Watch the fight above.