Latest Owen Smith News

Starmer and Neville

Keir Starmer tells Gary Neville he needs to win British people's trust, as he warns turning UK around will take 10 years

1 month ago

Owen Smith Warns Labour To "Get Off The Fence" On Brexit As Election Looms

Owen Smith: "If There's An Election In The Autumn, It's Too Late. We've Already Blown It"

Ages ago

James O'Brien Snap Election

James O'Brien's Thought Provoking Take On Snap Election

Ages ago

Shelagh Fogarty Chuka

Shelagh Puts Chuka On The Spot Over Leadership Drop Out

Ages ago

Owen Smith LBC Studio

Owen Smith Talks Tough On Momentum In LBC Interview

Ages ago

Darren Adam LBC

Labour Election About 'Who Will Do Least Damage'

Ages ago