Nick Ferrari 7am - 10am
19 August 2022, 16:35 | Updated: 19 August 2022, 18:50
Manchester United's legendary ex-manager Sir Alex Ferguson has appeared for Ryan Giggs' defence in court as he said he never saw him lose his temper or become aggressive.
Mr Giggs, who enjoyed years of success playing for Sir Alex, is on trial denying charges of assaulting his ex-girlfriend Kate Greville and controlling or coercing her between 2017 and 2020.
Sir Alex described his former midfielder as having a "fantastic temperament" and was "without doubt the best example we had at the club".
The 80-year-old said "everyone looked at Ryan Giggs as the number one" and told Manchester Crown Court: "To have a career as long as he had in a difficult position, in terms of energy, he fulfilled everything we ever wished for."
When asked by Mr Giggs' defence barrister Chris Daw if he had ever seen him lose his temper or get aggressive, Sir Alex said: "No."
He told the court: "As he got older he had a wonderful temperament.
"In the dressing room, I used Ryan as an example a lot. I would lose my temper over performances.
"Sometimes he got the sharp end of my tongue. But I knew he could take it, he was strong enough."
Read more: 'Jam in my donut': Court hears more of Ryan Giggs' poetry and text exchanges with his ex
Sir Alex's appearance followed a reading out by Mr Giggs' defence team of a letter written by Ms Greville, 38, a PR executive, called "The Final Goodbye".
It was written on October 29, 2020, three days before Mr Giggs is alleged to have assaulted her at his home in Worsley.
It outlined his alleged cheating on her with eight women during their relationship, in which she described him as a "compulsive liar and serial cheat".
"I know pretty much everything you have been doing with other women behind my back since the day I met you," jurors heard the letter said.
It went on: "I now know you say the same things you say to me to multiple women. I'm nothing special, I was just the one you didn't let have a happy life."
Read more: Ryan Giggs' mother sits in court as raunchy 'totem pole' poems he sent to ex are read out
Ms Greville claimed the "other women" have "husbands and kids" and went on: "I know you and Helen had a full-on relationship while you were sleeping with me.
"You told her you loved her and wanted to have a family."
The letter said "Helen" had "met the kids" and that they were "in constant contact, even now".
It went on to say: "You and Zara were also in a full-on relationship for nearly a year," adding that Mr Giggs "got your Harrods guy to send her a pair of shoes and a dress".
The letter continued: "I know about Natalie and Suzie, not to mention Kelly. I know about the women you meet at the Stafford."
She also accused him of "sending dirty messages about threesomes with Charlotte".
The letter outlined another time she claimed Mr Giggs was "shagging someone else" when he was supposed to be picking Ms Greville up.
Read more: 'The worst experience of my life': Ryan Giggs weeps in court as he recalls spending night in cells
It said: "Oh, and I know about Steph - she's married to the cricketer now." She also mentioned another woman he was accused of being unfaithful with.
She said she had "finally found out I fell in love with a person who doesn't even exist", adding, "I'm sad you could never be honest with me about anything.
"You were constantly telling me you want to be happy but us girls can always tell when a man is lying and cheating.
"A little bit of advice: If you want to be happy with someone, be honest. Don't cheat.
"I believe you loved and still love Helen but you cheated on her with me."
Mr Giggs, 48, also denies the common assault of Ms Greville's younger sister, Emma, during the November 2020 incident at his home.
Previously, the trial has heard Mr Giggs deny headbutting his ex-partner after "completely losing his self-control" during an argument.
He said she had accused him of cheating and they entered a scuffle in the November 2020 incident at Worsley but he did not deliberately attack her.
He told jurors how his night in a police cell afterward, having been arrested, was "the worst experience of my life" and he cried in court.
Mr Giggs has admitted that he has never been faithful to any of his partners and that he cannot resist attractive women, regardless of his marital status.
Ms Greville told the court about an alleged altercation at a hotel in Dubai in which she said she was bruised, and that she was "hugely ashamed" that she kept going back to him as he "kept promising the world".
She described herself as a "slave" to him.
The trial continues.