Tonight with Andrew Marr 6pm - 7pm
26 November 2024, 10:08
Boris Johnson has blamed the Church of England for Britain’s obesity crisis, with the former PM saying the organisation has failed to adequately provide "spiritual sustenance".
The former prime minister says it has let the British public to “gorge themselves” - as he took aim at the Most Rev Justin Welby.
The former PM said that in his youth, it was “very rare for there to be a fatso in the class. Now they’re all fatsos, and I’d be shot for saying they’re fatsos, but it’s the truth.”
Criticising the head of the Church of England, Mr Johnson also hit out at a host of other religious leaders for not dealing with “people’s spiritual needs”.
Mr Johnson's comments form part of a new report compiled by author Henry Dimbleby and Dolly Van Tulleken, a public health expert.
He was one of three former prime ministers interviewed as part of the study.
“The living bread is being provided by Tesco,” he said. “And they’re gorging themselves on the real living bread.”
The remarks saw Mr Johnson hit out at declining church attendance.
He added that higher levels of obesity among children are down to a generation being told that there were “paedophiles everywhere”.
He said: “When I was a kid, we were all out playing in the streets the whole time. You don’t see that with kids nowadays… "
"Now they’re all fatsos, and I’d be shot for saying they’re fatsos, but that’s the truth.
Adding: “People were skinnier, they ran around a huge amount, they drank phenomenal quantities of Tizer, they ate Spangles and Curly Wurlies and dog s***… but they expended far more energy and nowadays kids are sitting on screens and being told that it’s all too dangerous to go outside because there are paedophiles everywhere apparently."
It comes days after man who allegedly turned up outside Parliament wearing armour, with the court told he was carrying samurai swords and wanted to "speak with Boris Johnson".
Lewis Allington was arrested following the incident outside Parliament on Tuesday afternoon, which led to the Carriage Gates entrance being temporarily closed.