Boyfriend of Love Island star Dani Dyer facing jail over £34,000 scam

19 April 2021, 12:58

Sammy Kimmence, pictured with girlfriend Dani Dyer, is facing jail over a £34,000 scam
Sammy Kimmence, pictured with girlfriend Dani Dyer, is facing jail over a £34,000 scam. Picture: Getty

By Kate Buck

The boyfriend of Love Island star Dani Dyer is facing a possible prison sentence just three months after the birth of their first child.

Sammy Kimmence, from Essex, entered guilty pleas to five charges of fraud at what was set to be the first day of a trial at Portsmouth Crown Court.

The court heard that the offences involved Kimmence taking money from two men aged 90 and 80 between 2016 and 2018, claiming that he would invest the money through his company S&S Trading Ltd but failing to do so.

The 25-year-old pleaded to four counts of fraud against Peter Martin, who has since died, totalling nearly £26,000, as well as a fifth charge against Peter Haynes of £7,927.

Craig Harris, defending, said of Kimmence: "He is a relatively young man of previous good character, the offences go back into his late teenage years.

"This is a case that crosses the custodial threshold but might be within a range which I argue could be suspended.

"Quite a lot has gone into this young man's life in the last few years. He is seeking to reimburse the losses he has caused."

The judge, Recorder Nicholas Haggan QC, warned Kimmence that he could be sent to jail when he is sentenced on June 11.

He told the defendant: "The offences to which you have pleaded guilty are serious offences, it's accepted they cross the custodial threshold and you are at risk of receiving a custodial sentence.

"Given you are young man of no previous convictions, I am going to order a sentencing report. I am going to grant you conditional bail.

"The fact I am granting you bail affords no indication as to what the sentence will be - you are at risk of a custodial sentence."

Kimmence became a father with Ms Dyer following the birth of their son Santiago on January 23 this year.