Ali Miraj 7pm - 10pm
23 July 2021, 10:52 | Updated: 27 July 2021, 10:48
The Government has expanded its list of critical workers who have been told they can avoid self-isolation if pinged by the NHS app.
Over the past couple of weeks, many industries have said they've been put under strain after workers have been contacted by the NHS Test and Trace system.
In response to the so-called "pingdemic", the Government has now said that some critical workers won't have to self-isolate if they get pinged, providing they test negative for Covid-19.
But which sectors are included? Here's the full list of exemptions...
The new rules will apply to some fully-vaccinated workers - people who had their second dose more than 14 days ago.
Supermarket depot workers and food manufacturers, meanwhile, will be exempt from quarantine rules and allowed to do daily testing instead.
The exemptions will allow people identified as contacts by NHS Test and Trace or the app to carry on working if their failure to do so would have a "major detrimental impact" or risk national security.
The Government said it "will not cover all or in most cases even the majority of workers in critical sectors".
It is not a "blanket exemption" for all employees in a sector and only applies to those who have written approval of their request.
There may be some "exceptional" circumstances where a role meets the criteria but is not on the list, in which case the employer is advised to contact the relevant Government department where queries will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Daily testing is going to be offered to workers in food production and supply chains to avoid staff shortages.
The Government scheme doesn't include retailers, who have complained about staff shortages because of "pings" from the NHS app.
Minister why are the sectors on the 'let off list' all about food?
But exemptions in most of these areas will be "very limited", the Government said.
Currently, you must self-isolate for 10 days if: