Ex-PM David Cameron drives HGV to Poland to deliver supplies to Ukrainian refugees

18 March 2022, 18:54

David Cameron is driving a lorry to Poland to deliver supplies to Ukrainian refugees
David Cameron is driving a lorry to Poland to deliver supplies to Ukrainian refugees. Picture: Twitter

By Megan Hinton

David Cameron is driving a lorry to Poland to deliver essential supplies including nappies and first aid kits to Ukrainian refugees.

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The former Prime Minister announced on Friday that he was about to embark on the "long drive" after a successful two week long appeal for goods from the community in West Oxfordshire.

Taking to Twitter to share a picture of himself behind the wheel of a lorry, Mr Cameron said: "For the last two years I've been volunteering each week at the Chippy Larder, a food project in my local town, which helps low income families with surplus food from supermarkets (and cuts food waste at the same time).

"During lockdown we did thousands of deliveries and our 'store' is now open and well used.

"In the last fortnight we’ve appealed for the things that refugees from Ukraine need as they arrive in Poland. The response has been amazing."

He shared a picture of the mountain of supplies, saying there is enough to "fill a small lorry with everything from nappies to sanitary products, warm clothes to first aid kits".

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The former politician continued: "The generosity of the community in West Oxfordshire - and of the British people more generally - has been typically phenomenal, stepping up to help our neighbours in their hour of need.

"I'm currently driving to Poland with two Chippy Larder colleagues to make our delivery to the Red Cross. It’s going to be a long drive, but I’ll keep you updated along the way."

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The UN migration agency said on Friday that nearly 6.5 million people have been displaced inside Ukraine, on top of the 3.2 million who have already fled the country, around half of whom are children.

Intense fighting, shelling and air strikes continue across Ukraine, affecting many civilian areas and destroying homes and vital infrastructure such as hospitals, schools and water supplies.

The conflict continues to force more civilians from their homes and hamper aid efforts.

On Ukraine's borders with Poland, Romania, Moldova, Hungary and Slovakia, refugees continue to arrive, many with nowhere to go.

But in the two weeks since the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal was launched, on Thursday it reached £200 million.

Many more independent charities, organisations and local communities have also sent aid and supplies to Ukraine's borders.

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It comes after the Ukrainian ambassador to the UK said on Friday that his country is "humbled" by the more than 150,000 Britons who have expressed interest in housing refugees fleeing Vladimir Putin's invasion.

Vadym Prystaiko said it has been a "bumpy ride" getting the Government to set up visa-free travel but welcomed the Homes for Ukraine scheme as it opened for refugee applications.

He said: "We're in an initial stage of this work but I'm very grateful that the UK Government and citizens are opening up their hearts and sometimes homes offering Ukrainians to stay here.

"I'm humbled by the sheer number of people who are opening up, sometimes just saying I have a spare room, it's not even a spare house, or flat, it's just a spare room. This is something that's very unusual."

Adding that in his discussions with ministers, he broadly estimates that between 100,000 and 200,000 Ukrainians will want to temporarily seek refuge in the UK.