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Green campaigners hit out at excessive Christmas lights
11 November 2021, 09:38 | Updated: 11 November 2021, 09:45
Couple who decorate their home with thousands of bulbs in spotlight after MPs suggest such dazzling displays could harm the planet
Helen and John Attlesey decorate their house in Soham every year in aid of charity, but this year there will be no switch-on event due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
But now the pair have come under fire for the toll their decorations take on the environment.
But MPs and environmental campaigners have urged people to consider “the effect on our planet against having lots of lights above our doors”.
Their 2020 display raised £12,895.57 - more than double the previous year's total - for three charities close to the couple's hearts.
The money was divided between three charities that have helped their grandson: East Anglia's Children's Hospices, Great Ormond Street Hospital and Dreamflight, who take a group of children to Disneyland each year.
Andrew Griffith MP, Conservative chairman of the Dark Skies All Party Parliamentary Group, said: "Whilst we all need some festive cheer, much exterior lighting is unnecessarily bright. Had it been in place in Bethlehem, the three wise men would never have seen the stars let alone be guided to the baby Jesus by them.
"A good compromise would be for homeowners to use timers so that they do not stay blazing all night, confusing wildlife and causing glare and distress to neighbours.”