Henry Riley 10pm - 1am
10 May 2019, 11:03 | Updated: 10 May 2019, 11:07
MPs have faced criticism following the announcement they will be getting 11 days off while Brexit is still unresolved.
Leader of the House Andrea Ledsom announced that MPs would get a break between 24 May to 3 June for the Whitsun recess, just a month after they broke for Easter.
"‘Nothing is being done, important bills need to be brought back to this House and we need to get back to work," SNP’s Pete Wishart told Ms Leadsom after the announcement of the recess.
The Prime Minister is under pressure to secure a deal before newly elected MEPs are forced to take up their seats in the European Parliament following EU elections on 23 May.
The leader of the Commons didn't set aside any time for a vote on a deal next week as cross-party talks with between the government and Labour continue.
In April the European Council president Donald Tusk announced that the UK had been granted a six-month extension to the Brexit process, he went on to ask the UK not to" waste the extra time."
Mr Tusk was asked on Wednesday if he believed UK Politicians were wasting time by going on breaks, "it's a good question," he replied.