MP's tweet 'GDPR nightmare' as he shares names and addresses of constituents WITHOUT blurring them

1 December 2022, 09:53 | Updated: 1 December 2022, 10:18

David Linden shared the unblurred image of letters to his constituents on Twitter
David Linden shared the unblurred image of letters to his constituents on Twitter. Picture: David Linden/Twitter
Fran Way

By Fran Way

AN MP’s tweet has been dubbed a ‘GDPR nightmare’ after he posted the names and addresses of people he was sending an official letter to without blurring them out.

David Linden, who is a Scottish National Party MP for Glasgow East, took to social media late on Sunday night to share his relief at finishing casework letters.

He shared a photograph of around 100 letters on his desk, all in a proper ‘House of Commons’ envelope.

Four of the names and addresses were on display and included two solicitors and a property manager.

He captioned it: “This week’s constituency casework letters all done and off to the postbox in the morning before another week in Parliament kicks off.”

It has now led to uproar on Twitter with people begging him to take it down and shocked that it is still up three days later.

32-year-old Linden has turned the comments off on his Tweets, meaning only those mentioned by him can reply.

The only way users can reply to the tweet is by retweeting it with a message.

One person commented: “The way this is still up three days later is absolutely killing me.”

Another added: “What in the holy data protection is this picture?”

A third added: “David, you can see people’s names and addresses? Might consider taking this down.”

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 anybody who is has personal data needs to follow a strict set of rules including handling it in a way that ensures ‘appropriate security’.

Personal data is defined as any information which can identify a person such as a name, location data and online data.