Armed police swarm West Midlands after six are injured in random crazed dog attacks

19 April 2023, 00:59

Armed police responded to the incident which hospitalised an elderly man and left five others injured.
Armed police responded to the incident which hospitalised an elderly man and left five others injured. Picture: West Midlands Police

By Chay Quinn

West Midlands Police had to deploy armed cops to defend a neighbourhood terrorised by a crazed dog who left a man in hospital and five others with injuries.

The elderly man was among six victims of the attack which also saw a child injured.

Police announced that they have arrested a 28-year-old man in relation to the alleged attacks at Willow Gardens, Winson Green.

Two dogs were seized after the police were called around 2.30pm on Tuesday.

A section of the Winson Green area was sealed off after the incident, which took place in a small residential street.

The area in the West Midlands was sealed off after the alleged attacks and two dogs were seized
The area in the West Midlands was sealed off after the alleged attacks and two dogs were seized. Picture: Social Media

Read More: Hunt for female dog owner after man is left with 'significant injuries' and his dog killed in ferocious attack

Police blocked off access to back gardens and retained a presence in the area into the evening.

West Midlands Police said: 'An elderly man was taken to hospital with bite injuries which are not believed to be life-threatening.

'Five other people have been presented at hospital with bite injuries which are also not believed to be life-threatening.