'Glued fools': Transport Secretary hits out at 'dangerous' Insulate Britain protests

8 October 2021, 11:45

Nick Ferrari questions Grant Shapps on Insulate Britain

By Elizabeth Haigh

The Transport Secretary hit out at members of the eco-mob Insulate Britain on LBC this morning, telling Nick Ferrari tougher laws are needed to get the "glued fools" off Britain's roads.

Nick challenged Grant Shapps on why the protesters are still allowed to block UK roads, saying: "I thought these irresponsible crusties were going to be locked up Transport Secretary. In fact I was told that this week. Why not?"

Mr Shapps said: "It is absolutely wrong for people to do this. It's dangerous, it's really outrageous and ironically it probably adds to pollution as cars idle waiting."

He added: "The existing laws need toughening up to get these glued fools off the road."

Read more: Eco mob target Old Street and M25 in latest disruptive rush hour protest

Insulate Britain protest on the M25 again

His comments come as Insulate Britain caused further traffic chaos and motorist fury by blocking the busy Old Street roundabout and J25 of the M25 at rush hour this morning.

Police moved in quickly to remove protestors from the M25, where protesters defied a court injunction preventing them from protesting on the motorway.

But although one lane was quickly opened, several glued themselves to the road, making removal of the protesters more complicated.

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Mr Shapps said the Home Secretary is attempting to toughen up laws against the protesters in the Crime Sentencing Policing Bill that is currently going through parliament.

He added that he has applied for court injunctions to toughen up enforcement against the eco-mob.

He told LBC that protesters could face unlimited fines or 6 months in jail.