
'You're the Prime Minister. Your staff aren’t happy': Sunak defends NHS record in testy exchange with junior doctor

2 August 2023, 10:34 | Updated: 2 August 2023, 11:31

Rishi Sunak speaks to LBC's Nick Ferrari
Rishi Sunak speaks to LBC's Nick Ferrari. Picture: Alamy/No10
Kieran Kelly

By Kieran Kelly

Rishi Sunak blamed rising NHS waiting lists industrial action but was accused by a junior doctor of failing to keep healthcare staff happy.

Olivia, a junior doctor from Newcastle, told Mr Sunak on LBC that his "refusal to negotiate" has done nothing to improve staff morale of standards of care within the NHS.

But Mr Sunak hit back, telling Olivia he is "proud" of his government's record, having invested record sums since he became prime minister.

"Not only that, but just last week we announced the first ever long-term workforce plan for the NHS so we can deliver something that has been asked for for decades and for the first time as PM I’ve delivered it," he said.

Mr Sunak added that he would urge Olivia's junior doctors union to accept the independent pay offer of six per cent which other healthcare workers have accepted, including nurses.

It comes after the prime minister blamed junior doctors strikes for halting his government's progress in bringing overall waiting list numbers down.

“We were actually making progress…we eliminated the number of two year waiters, people waiting a really long time, we practically eliminated the number of people waiting one-and-a-half years," he told LBC.

“We were making progress on bringing the overall numbers down. What happened? We had industrial action."

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In a testy exchange, Olivia said: "I think it’s amazing that we’re blaming the increasing of waiting list on doctors going on strike.

"You’re losing staff because we’re undervalued and it’s not just doctors. It’s everyone, we’re all leaving. A happy workforce is your responsibility. You’re the prime minister. You’re the government. Your staff aren’t happy.

"That’s your fault and ultimately that’s not good for patients because retaining staff is one of the bedrocks of making sure you have good patient safety."

Sunak comments on waiting lists.

Mr Sunak then asked Olivia to look at the long-term workforce plan. She hit back: "I’ve looked at it, I’ve read it! I get it. It’s great...but there’s going to be no one left."

But the prime minister refused to budge, telling Olivia that he will not agree to “unreasonable” and “unaffordable” 35 per cent pay rise.

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Reacting to Mr Sunak's appearance on LBC, Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting said: "The Tories have run down the NHS over more than a decade and left record numbers on waiting lists.

"Now Sunak has the audacity to blame doctors and nurses for rising waiting lists. They’re a convenient scapegoat for his failures.

"He hasn’t lifted a finger to end the NHS strikes."

It comes after Mr Sunak accepted the recommendations from all pay review bodies, meaning teachers, junior doctors, and police officers are set to receive a pay rise, with junior doctors being offered six percent.

The British Medical Association (BMA) has already rejected a five per cent pay offer from the government.