Russian TV threatens underwater Poseidon nuke could 'drown Britain in radioactive tsunami'

2 May 2022, 15:12

Dmitry Kiselyov said a Russian nuclear attack would turn Britain into a ‘radioactive desert’
Dmitry Kiselyov said a Russian nuclear attack would turn Britain into a ‘radioactive desert’. Picture: East2West News/Alamy/Russian MoD

By Sophie Barnett

Russian state media has warned the UK could be wiped off the map if Vladimir Putin were to launch a nuclear attack using an "underwater robot drone".

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Dmitry Kiselyov, dubbed Putin’s propagandist-in-chief, broadcast a bizarre video on Russian TV in which he threatened the Kremlin will attack Britain with a hypersonic missile, known as Satan 2, and an "underwater robot drone", known as Poseidon.

Kiselyov said: "What will happen after Boris Johnson’s words about a retaliatory strike on Russia?

"Why do they threaten vast Russia with nuclear weapons while they are only a small island?

"The island is so small that one Sarmat missile is enough to drown it once and for all. Russian missile Sarmat [aka Satan-2], the world most powerful…is capable of … destroying an area the size of Texas or England.

"A single launch, Boris, and there is no England anymore. Once and for all. Why do they play games?"

Read more: Putin shows off new Satan 2 missile 'because he is failing in Ukraine'

Russia successfully launches intercontinental ballistic missile

He used his Sunday night show to call for attacks on Britain with a Poseidon "underwater drone" that he said would trigger a 1,600ft radioactive tidal wave and "plunge Britain to the depths of the ocean".

As Kiselyov spoke, an animated clip showed the route a missile would take on a map.

He also repeated warnings from Putin about the "Satan 2" missile.

Putin claimed the Sarmat missile was tested last week and was capable of firing 12 warheads at once if the West continues to "interfere" in Ukraine.

It has raised concerns that conflict in Ukraine could escalate further in coming days.

Putin said the Sarmat missile would provide "food for thought for those who try to threaten Russia".

Read more: 'We outgun him': Defence Sec 'not rattled' by Putin's nuke threat of 'lightning' strikes

He was shown on TV being briefed about the weapon, with the military saying it had been launched from the northwest of Russia and hit targets in the Kamchatka peninsula in the far east.

In the briefing, Putin told his army: "I congratulate you on the successful launch of the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile.

"This truly unique weapon will strengthen the combat potential of our armed forces, reliably ensure the security of Russia from external threats and make those who, in the heat of aggressive rhetoric, try to threaten our country, think twice."

Boris Johnson and UK armed forces minister James Heappey have dismissed threats by Putin about nuclear warfare, with the Prime Minister said he does not believe the West has to make "concessions" for the Russian leader.

Mr Heappey told LBC he was not "rattled" by Putin's threats, saying Nato can "outgun him and outnumber him".

This is despite Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov warning the world that the threat of nuclear conflict "should not be underestimated".