Matthew Wright 7am - 10am
16 February 2023, 05:33 | Updated: 16 February 2023, 12:46
The woman filmed with Joe Westerman as the rugby league star performed a sex act on her has been fired from her job, Westerman's wife has claimed.
The 33-year-old Castleford Tigers loose forward was caught romping in the alleyway with his friend's partner in footage shared online.
His wife Lauren said she was sickened by the footage and has dumped her husband - and said she thinks the woman he cheated on her with will "never live it down".
“She’s lost her job and there are memes of her sweeping the internet," Ms Westerman said of the woman, who has not been publicly identified. "Her children are going to see that."
In the footage, Westerman is caught with his penis out as he performs the sex act on the woman, while a passer-by asks "can I have a go?" as the shocked player looks up. It came after a 15-hour drinking binge.
Lauren, 33, who married Westerman in 2014, was sent the footage before it was posted online.
She said that Westerman has sent her many text messages trying to repair their relationship, but that she would not take him back.
"I’ve relived that footage over and over again," she told the Sun. "It’s something I’ll never be able to get out of my mind no matter how hard I try.
"There are absolutely no excuses for what he’s done, not just to me but to our children and wider family.
"Everything between us was fine, he FaceTimed me at 4pm on Saturday while he was out and then texted at 2.30am to say he couldn’t get in because he didn’t have his house keys.
“I was staying overnight at my mum’s house and he texted the next morning to say how rough he felt, but that was it.
“There was no inkling of what was to come.”
Westerman warned his wife the next day that the video had been posted on social media.
Viewers initially thought it was her, but she took to Twitter to distance herself from the clip.
She said: "Can I make this VERY clear that this is NOT me!!!!!! We have three children, one of whom is almost 15, and she doesn't need to see things like this all over social media!"
She told the newspaper: "I went on to Twitter and saw it had been deleted and deleted loads of times and then about half an hour later it was post[ed].
“I just felt physically sick. My next thought was for my 14-year-old daughter and whether I could get to her before she saw it. But it was too late.
"She kept being added to these Snapchat groups from school and being sent the video. She left the groups but kept being added to more and it was sent to her again and again and again.
“Our nine-year-old was also sent a screenshot of the video in messages.
“That’s their dad and I feel so sorry for them that they’ve had to see something like that.
"Truth is, he only told me because it was on social media," she said.
"But I’m glad it was found because the thought of kissing him after that just makes me feel sick."
Westerman has been fined by his club and ordered him to carry out community service educating young people about the effects of alcohol.
"I have realised that I need to work on my decision-making around alcohol," he said in a statement.
A source claimed Westerman will not play in his club's first Super League clash of the new season against Hull.
"He's effectively been suspended. The video is horrific," they said.
Ms Westerman added that she had thought their marriage "was forever.
“We’ve had our ups and downs but always managed to find our way back together," she said.
"This is just incredibly sad. I feel heartbroken, angry, sad and disappointed.
“He’s laid waste to everything. I haven’t been able to sleep because of it. But there is no way back.“I want us to get on eventually and have a really good co- parenting life.
“I want the kids to want to see their dad. I want him now to use this to turn his life around, do counselling or whatever he is doing through the club, stop drinking and be a good dad.
“That is all I want and I’d like to think that this time next year he will be an advocate for not drinking.
“For some people, drinking is the devil.”
She went on: “I’ve got no choice but to be strong now.“I could sit and cry in a ball, let the kids see me and they’d dislike their daddy even more.“That’s not what I want at all.”
Discussing the married woman having the sex act performed on her in the video, Ms Westerman said: “It’s the children I feel for. Our children and her children...
“I don’t know if our children will ever forgive their dad. There will be no more family dinners, no family days out.
“It’s all gone. The kids won’t be able to see him play again because of the chants he will now inspire. I just hope in time they can forget it.”