Coronavirus: ICU consultant Dr. Jack begs public to stay away from elderly parents

22 March 2020, 13:29

By Seán Hickey

Dr. Jack called LBC again, but this time to beg the public to stay away from their parents otherwise they'll visit him in ICU in a fortnight.

A tired and dejected Dr. Jack was speaking to Iain Dale about his disbelief at some people ignoring the government's advice on social distancing.

If the public continue to ignore the calls from the PM and his scientific advisors, Jack told Iain that "it's going to be like Italy" in terms of coronavirus-related deaths.

Dr. Jack begged the population to stay away from their mothers this Mother's Day, otherwise they may be in ICU with him in a fortnight.

"If you go to see your mother today, we'll be seeing them in two weeks time"

Dr. Jack told the public that he didn't want to be visited by listener's parents
Dr. Jack told the public that he didn't want to be visited by listener's parents. Picture: PA

"I'm beyond words" Dr. Jack told Iain. He couldn't believe the stupidity of some people in ignoring the guidance of the government and helping the spread of coronavirus in society.

Iain agreed with Dr. Jack here and struggled similarly to understand the logic of some people still not paying heed to the advice.

"You have to have been living in an igloo to not have understood the dangers."

Listen to Dr. Jack's call to Tom Swarbrick earlier this week here.