Change UK MP Taken To Task Over “Outrageous” Brexit Party Funding Allegations

8 May 2019, 06:46

A Change UK MP was accused of making “outrageous allegations” about the funding of political rivals The Brexit Party live on LBC.

Mike Gapes suggested Nigel Farage’s party had taken money from “various dubious sources”, but was unable to provide evidence to back up his claim.

Mr Farage previously said the party had raised “well over” £2m to fight this month’s EU elections, with 90% of it from around 88,000 supporters paying £25 each.

A £100,000 donation has also been received, but The Brexit Party leader has refused to reveal the donor’s name.

Iain Dale blasted Mike Gapes MP over allegation about the funding of The Brexit Party
Iain Dale blasted Mike Gapes MP over allegation about the funding of The Brexit Party. Picture: LBC/PA

He did, however, say all of the party’s donations would be declared at a later date.

During an LBC interview on Tuesday, Change UK MP Mr Gapes claimed: “It will be interesting to see what huge amounts of funding Mr Farage has had from various dubious sources”.

But he was instantly taken to task by Iain Dale who demanded to know what evidence he had to back-up the claim.

“That is an outrageous allegation to make when you have no proof in that whatsoever,” the LBC presenter retorted.

Iain then asked: “Would you like to withdraw that allegation?”

Mr Gapes responded: “I haven’t made any specific allegations.”

To which Iain fired back: "You just said he was receiving money from dubious sources, yet you have no proof of that whatsoever!”