Simon Marks 6pm - 9pm
Spanish Woman's Bullying Story That Made Iain Feel Ashamed
26 October 2016, 16:58 | Updated: 26 October 2016, 17:00
Maria from Spain has lived in Britain for 50 years - but she says she no longer feels welcome because of how she's been treated since the referendum.
"I've never come across this before. Whenever I spoke they obviously understood I have an accent and come from somewhere else, and it was fine. They actually wanted to know where I came from.
"Lately... I try not to speak anywhere I go. I try to hide from saying anything."
Maria has lived in the UK for decades with her husband, Norman, and the thought of her no longer feeling welcome in her adopted home left Iain understandably horrified. Especially as she was so charming, saying she married an English man because they are "such good cooks" and that while she has had some bad experiences she knows not everyone is rude.
Maria's experience left Iain angry and even ashamed at the possibility that people could be so small-minded and cruel.
"How could anyone even think about being nasty to a lady like that?
"It makes you ashamed of your fellow countryfolk."