Matthew Wright 7am - 10am
Nick Ferrari's message to companies: Get workers back to the office now
28 July 2020, 09:18
Nick Ferrari's message for companies keeping employees working from home
Nick Ferrari had this message to companies refusing to get their workers back to the office: This country is broke and we need to get it moving again.
Google revealed they would keep their employees working from home for the rest of the year - and possibly until July next year.
Nick insisted that unemployment will rocket unless people get back to their office.
He said: "This is ridiculous. This does not work.
"People need to go back to their places of work. It's better for you to go to the office. You get away from your husband, your wife, your children.
"Do you know why we have offices? So you can do some damned work. I've had enough of Zoom calls.
"What do you think is going to get this country going again? You sitting in your jim-jams not doing anything all day long?
"For the love of God, we are broke. £300billion broke and now companies are saying don't come back this year?
"I think I'd give you until Thursday and if you're not back, you're fired. Enough already.
"The country has to get moving. There are businesses crashing. Tumbleweed is blowing through the City of London right now.
"These companies need a reality check."
Watch his entertaining monologue at the top of the page.