Natasha Devon 6pm - 9pm
24 September 2018, 08:03
This is the moment Nick Ferrari took on a Remain activist who is campaigning for a People's Vote.
Nick told Matt Kelly, the editor of the New European, that we've already had a People's vote... and the people voted to leave.
He said: "What did we have two years ago then? Who voted two years ago?
"We've already had a People's Vote. Why do we need another one?"
Mr Kelly responded: "Because now, people understand the consequences. To deny them the opportunity to reflect and deal with very concrete consequences to their lives and their family's lives, I think is undemocratic."
But Nick told him: "Two years ago, it was people who voted then. Why call it a People's Vote? It's not a People's Vote, it's a second referendum.
"Let's be honest with each other, that's what it is, isn't it?"
Mr Kelly insisted that people have had a chance to see the "chaos" caused by Brexit, but Nick said: "We were told it would be chaos.
"We were told that just as a result from voting leave, the economy would shrink by 3.6% and unemployment would be over half a million. But in fact, unemployment is down and the economy is on the way up.
"We were told all of that!"