Clive Bull 1am - 4am
18 April 2023, 09:42
Crime and Policing Minister states Zombie Knifes are causing 'misery'
Chris Phip's outlines the government’s plan to close loophole people who sell blades, with offenders facing up to two years in jail.
Crime and Policing Minister Chris Phip asserted his concerns to Nick Ferrari at Breakfast regarding the possession and use of “double-edged machetes, zombie knives” on the streets.
Mr Phip stated how some of the knives have “no legitimate use” and are purposefully being used to “intimidate people” in muggings and by “gangs fighting each other”.
Knives that are “designed to look menacing” and are not currently prohibited, however, will be made illegal under the proposed plans, the Home Office has confirmed.
Condemning the use of the knives, Mr Phip’s stated they were “causing misery”, declaring they should be “taken off the streets completely”.
Outlining the government's plans to increase the penalty for possession and sale of the offensive weapons, Mr Phips said: “The importation, the manufacturer, the sale and the possession in private of these knives whatsoever will be illegal.
“In addition to that we’ll make sure anyone who sells illegal knives these ones or the ones which are banned already will face a higher prison sentence”.
Acknowledging the legitimate use of machetes and other knives in the agricultural industry and outdoor sectors, the Home Office asserted their efforts would be to prevent criminals from buying, selling, and using the blades as a weapon or to cause serious harm.