Nick Abbot 10pm - 1am
23 January 2017, 09:03 | Updated: 23 January 2017, 09:49
This is the moment that Nick Ferrari silenced a caller who wanted Theresa May to resign over the Trident cover-up with one simple fact.
Ed in Hounslow said Mrs May had to step down over the reported cover-up of a failed missile test in the lead-up to the crucial Commons vote on Trident.
But Nick asked him one question that completely destroyed his argument.
When Ed said that he thought the Prime Minister should stand down, Nick asked him: "Just to prove how out of touch you are.... who was Prime Minister in June?
"It was David Cameron. There's every possibility that Mr Cameron knew and not Mrs May. So why the hell should she go?"
Ed argued: "I'll tell you why because when we vote in a democracy for somebody to lead our country, we expect them to be open, honest and truthful."
But Nick hit back: "Which of the words are you struggling with? Let me try again. It is possible that it's Mr Cameron who was informed because he was Prime Minister back in June.
"If we're looking at a cover-up as the Sunday Times said yesterday, it's worth saying by the way the Sunday Times broke the story, not the BBC, they followed up because it wouldn't be anywhere without the newspapers breaking the story. Now we look at the cover up but if it was actually David Cameron who initially knew why you say Mrs May has to go?"