Rachel Johnson 7pm - 10pm
'I have zero sympathy for tenants!': Furious landlord backs Rishi Sunak's anti-social behaviour plans
28 March 2023, 09:38 | Updated: 28 March 2023, 12:08
This furious landlord has 'absolutely zero sympathy' for tenants who miss rent payments.
A landlord tells Nick Ferrari he has "had enough" with tenants and would welcome powers to evict them after two weeks.
Michael in Sittingbourne fumed to Nick Ferrari about the "stress" he has gone through as a landlord.
The furious caller started by condemning Nick's previous guest Anny Cullym, Policy Officer and Researcher for the housing union ACORN. "I can't believe that idiotic woman" he started.
Anny Cullym shared her concerns about Rishi Sunak's plan to give more powers to landlords in his proposed anti-social behaviour crackdown.
Under Rishi Sunak's proposed plans tenants who play loud music, use drugs, cause damage to their property or fall behind on their rent could face eviction with just two weeks' notice.
She told Nick that tenants who missed their payments within two weeks may battle with external factors such as losing their job and applying for universal credit - which she said can take up to five weeks to kick in.
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"They're making people homeless when they have no other option," she said of the proposed plans.
Caller Michael reacted to Ms Cullym, saying: "To say it is inhumane to kick them out after two weeks, no it isn't!"
"If you need that money coming in why should tenants live in your house for nothing?" he quizzed.
The caller explained that he was in the process of evicting tenants who had missed almost two months of rent. "They refuse to respond to any email asking about payment," he said.
"These tenants are playing the game for all it's worth it Nick! I have absolutely zero sympathy for with them at all."
Although he no longer has a mortgage on the house he says he needs the money to help support his daughters pay their mortgages.
Michael declared: "I'm on the point of selling Nick because I have had enough."
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