James O'Brien 10am - 1pm
28 July 2018, 16:58
Maajid Nawaz interviews the two authors and makers behind the "fascinating" documentary Path Of Blood.
The two writers behind Path Of Blood, the story of Al Qaeda's war on Saudi Arabia, told Maajid Nawaz how they "managed to blag" original archive footage from Saudi security services and Al Qaeda's own home video.
The documentary, of the same name, takes viewers on a behind the scenes look at Saudi Arabia's war on terror from within its own country.
"Not only blagged the footage they captured from Al Qaeda, but actually managed to persuade them to share their CSI style footage - the kind of stuff the police shoot," said Jonathan Hacker, the documentary's director.
He told Maajid that seeing all of the material gave them the inspiration to create a film.
"But they also gave us access to their counter terrorist police, their special forces, and that gave us the research information for us to do the book from," he said.
Thomas Small, the book's co-author, said: "Is there an ethical question? I don't know about that.
"Certainly, this is not Al Qaeda propaganda.
"This footage, which indeed is remarkable, no-one's seen anything like this, reveals just how Al Qaeda's propaganda efforts really belie the truth."
Listen back to the interview in full above.