Nick Ferrari 7am - 10am
27 August 2016, 15:55 | Updated: 14 September 2016, 13:22
Maajid is a proud Essex boy, but this caller wants him deported because of the colour of his skin and his faith. Watch Maajid take him to task for that.
During a debate on the burkini ban, Ian phoned up to defend those French people who want to ban the full-body swimsuit worn by some Muslim women.
But then he went further, saying that until multiculturalism ended, these kind of arguments would continue. His solution? Deport everyone who isn't white.
Even Maajid - who is a Muslim born and raised in Britain and is very proud of that.
"I'd simply give you so much time to leave the country...if you still decided you wanted to stay, you'd be forcibly removed," said Ian.
"But I was born in Essex Ian," responded Maajid. "What would you do if, as a result of hearing your polite request [to leave the country], stuck one middle finger up in your face and told you to get out of my face and leave me alone?"
The two went back and forth before Maajid's storming sign-off: "Short of genoicde, you will never get me to repatriate anywhere other than Essex.
"I am English, I am an Essex boy, I am British, I belong here. And no-one, you or anyone else, can tell me otherwise."