Dean Dunham 9pm - 10pm
I Don't Want My Grandchildren To "Turn On Me" Over Brexit, Caller Says
22 October 2019, 17:17
This caller said he didn't want his grandchildren "to turn on me in ten years' time and say, 'Why on earth did you do this?' And my only response could be 'well we all got a bit bored'."
"This is an appeal from the heart. I think it takes however long it needs to take," said Glen from Sidcup and said that whoever the Speaker is at the time will "hurry things along if necessary."
"I have grandchildren. They're five and they're six," said Glen.
Eddie asked: "And do you want them to live to see the end of Brexit?"
"I do but I don't want them to turn on me in ten years' time and say, 'Why on earth did you do this?' And my only response could be 'well we all got a bit bored'."
Eddie pointed out that Brexit has been discussed for the last three years.
"They've been about trying to pass various bills. They've cut the mustard, as we say. I sense that there's a little bit of sharp practice and it seems as though - on both sides - everyone is using every trick in the book and there's a little bit of -"
Eddie suggested: "Jiggery pokery?"
When Glen agreed, Eddie said: "There we go, it's never wrong. Jiggery pokery helps all sorts of conversations."