Clive Bull 1am - 4am
6 June 2023, 16:06
Shelagh Fogarty: 'I can barely talk about Hillsborough without crying'
Shelagh Fogarty and caller Nigel demand an end be put to the presses' "harassment" and "bullying" of innocent people.
As Prince Harry gives evidence on the second day of the phone hacking trial, Shelagh Fogarty and caller Nigel discuss how the press has "harassed" and "bullied" multiple parties throughout the years.
Nigel defended the duke, saying: "Harry didn't choose to have this life and the way he and his mother have been treated is absolutely appalling. I feel for him as an individual and I feel that we need to do something now, we need to change the rules.
"We need to put these people [the press] on notice, that they can't continue to harass and bully people in the way they have been doing."
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‘Just get off the lads back he’s gone through trauma with his mother!’ says Shelagh Fogarty caller
Shelagh drew on the media's coverage of other events: "I was a very young woman when Hillsborough happened, I was 23 and we were kids really when we were first engaging with the story as journalists.
"I can barely talk about Hillsborough without crying, imagine being one of the families and living with that brutality in the press for so long.
"It's like every word is like being abused again, and again, and again."
Nigel concurred: "Exactly and they perpetuate the lie... The reason why situations are still played out in the way that they are in the football arena is because..."
Shelagh cut in: "People still believe the lies, or are monumental idiots which is also an option."
The duke's case against Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN) started on Monday, when his Barrister David Sherborne claimed he was subjected to unlawful information-gathering activity.
Mr Sherborne alleged that this started "right from when he was a young boy at school" into adulthood, adding: "Nothing was sacrosanct or out of bounds."