Ali Miraj 12pm - 3pm
27 September 2019, 11:36
This caller told James O'Brien that he is looking forward to getting a payrise after Brexit - and this is his electric response.
In this very entertaining call, John insisted that he would finally get paid more once freedom of movement was stopped - and even ended up insisting that he knew more than the experts about it.
When James asked how his life would be made better by Brexit, John called in to say: "Hopefully, I'm going to get a payrise. I've not had one since 2008."
He revealed that he's a truck driver and bosses at his company insist that they could hire legions of Eastern European drivers for lower wages, so refuse to increase his salary.
He insisted: "When you've got uncontrolled borders, you've got companies who are unscrupulous would will undercut the British worker, what's the only thing you can do? You've got to try to stop all those workers coming in."
James told him: "You must have been gutted when you found out that we could have done, but successive governments including the Conservatives elected not to.
"We don't have to leave the European Union to do any of the things you've just described.
"I hope you're right, John. I hope that you are better off as a result of the pound going down, the economy suffering and the Road Haulage Association describing the prospect of a no-deal Brexit in apocalyptic terms. But I hope you're right and they're wrong."
Remarkably, John went on to say that the Road Haulage Association don't know anything about road haulage...
Watch the full clip at the top of the page.